Charleroi Area making security-related changes
The Charleroi Area School District is taking a close look at its security measures following an in-depth study conducted by the Pennsylvania State Police.
“It was a thorough three-day study,” said Dr. Edward Zelich, the district superintendent. “Last month, the Pennsylvania State Police were on campus for three days. They went through each school with a fine-toothed comb.”
Zelich said the detailed report covered both the district’s strengths and its weaknesses, offering suggestions for improvements. Zelich said some are quite easy to implement, such as no outside trash cans that can’t be seen into so they can’t be used to hide weapons or other dangerous items and no shrubbery more than 18 inches high.
“He gave us tons of ideas. We already started going through this with our buildings and grounds staff,” Zelich said.
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