Charleroi council president ‘hopeful’ for ABC resolution
With a potential deal on the table between Charleroi Borough and the Authority of the Borough of Charleroi, support of ABC is not waning until an agreement is signed and approved. An ordinance set to dissolve ABC was taken off the table by borough council June 7 after hearing from dozens of residents and ABC customers and elected officials.While the ordinance has been taken off the table, and comments made at a June 7 meeting are hinting a deal is in the works — without the help of the borough’s hired third party firm — community members will not back down until a deal is signed that does not require a sale, or lease back, protects rates and jobs.
Council is expected to expand on details of the alleged agreement and take an official vote on moving forward with it 6 p.m. Wednesday.
Prior to the meeting, protestors once again plan to take to the streets, this time by car and foot, to offer continued support for the water authority.
Motycki, Kash, Sheppick and Speers Council member Lori Spina have organized a motorcade that will begin at 4:45 p.m. Wednesday at the Mon Valley Career and Technology Center in Speers. Those who do not want to drive can meet at ABC and once again walk to the borough building in Charleroi.
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