The Monongahela Veterans Council and the City of Monongahela will conduct Memorial Day Services on Monday. The parade will line up at the corner of West Main and Fourth streets at 8:30 a.m. and begin at 9 a.m.
The Monongahela Veterans Council and the City of Monongahela will conduct Memorial Day Services on Monday. The parade will line up at the corner of West Main and Fourth streets at 8:30 a.m. and begin at 9 a.m.
The parade will be followed by a 9:45 a.m. service of honor at the American Legion plot of the Monongahela Cemetery. The program will feature the Ringgold High School Band, vocalist Kim VanVoorhis and several guest speakers. The Mon Valley Leathernecks, Mid-Mon Valley Shipmates, Mon Valley Honor Guard, Mayor Greg Garry and other distinguished guests will participate.
Following the main program, veterans service organizations will conduct services at several area locations as follows:
• 11:30 a.m. — Victory Hill
• Noon — New Eagle
• 12:15 p.m. — Chess Park
• 12:40 p.m. — Fisher Heights
• 1 p.m. — Sacred Heart Cemetery
• 2 p.m. — Ginger Hill Grange
• 2:30 p.m. — Hazelkirk Memorial All times are approximate.
Memorial Days services set in Fayette City
Fayette City will observe Memorial Day on Monday. The parade will be held at 10 a.m., starting at the Fayette City firewall and going around the town. The service will follow at the Fayette City Honor Roll with special guest speaker Major U.S. Army military police retired Heidi Kavanaugh and a Memorial Day firing sponsored by American Legion Brightwell Daugherty Post 484. The parade is sponsored by the community.
Monongahela artist Karen Wohar to be featured in Irwin exhibition
The inaugural artist exhibition, featuring the works of Monongahela resident Karen Wohar will take place 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday at the White Tree Cafe & Coffeehouse, 512 Main St., Irwin.
During this exhibition, attendees can peruse artwork, meet the artist and enjoy beverages.
Wohar works in a variety of mediums, mostly pastels and acrylic paint, but also does projects in watercolor or charcoal on occasion. Many of her paintings feature wildlife and pets. She also loves still life, with a focus on glass, metal, reflection, and light that makes the ordinary beautiful.
Lee Alverson to entertain at Long Branch Grange
International musician and composer Lee Alverson will perform at the Long Branch Community Grange 7 p.m. June 1. Prior to the show, there will be a catered buffet dinner, beginning at 6 p.m. The show will feature music of the 50s and 6’s.
Cost for the dinner and show is $40. For tickets, call 724-938-2529. The last day to purchase tickets is May 26. The grange is located at 210 Chestnut St., Coal Center.
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Submit news for the Valley Features page to the Mon Valley Independent, attention Terri Sichi, 1719 Grand Blvd., Monessen, PA, 15062. Information may be emailed to To submit information via phone on upcoming events, call Sichi directly at 724-314-0045.