The Gate of Heaven Church of God in Christ, 644 Reed Ave., Monessen, will conduct the 27th pastoral anniversary of Bishop William C. Bass Sr., which will consist of two services Sunday and June 9.
The Gate of Heaven Church of God in Christ, 644 Reed Ave., Monessen, will conduct the 27th pastoral anniversary of Bishop William C. Bass Sr., which will consist of two services Sunday and June 9.
This Sunday’s service will feature prayer led by Elder Nathaniel Lowe and a short devotional service. Reflections by Erica Gettemy, Minister Tarelle Irvin, Rosetta Aldrich and Missionary Anita Yuille, who all will speak on the positive ministry contributions made by Bass. Musical selections will be conducted by the Light of the World Choir, Love Fellowship Church Choir and by several others.
The guest speaker will be Bishop David Brock, pastor of the Love Fellowship Church of Pittsburgh. He will be accompanied by his congregation and choir.
The service will start at 3 p.m. Monica Aldrich is the team leader for this service.
The anniversary service on June 9 will consist of prayer led by Deacon Marvin Davis and a short devotional service led by Ta’Nesha Irwin and Deacon Dennis Wade. Aaron Aldrich will serve as master of ceremonies. Reflections by Beryl Jackson, Christina Chukwuedo and Deacon Marvin Davis, who will speak on positive ministry contributions made by Bass.
Special guest soloist Raymond Johnson of Antioch Baptist Church will perform two musical selections. The guest speaker will be Elder Maurice Wade Jr., pastor of the Whole Truth Church of God in Christ, Donora. He will be accompanied by his congregation. The service will start at 4 p.m. Deacon Marvin Davis is the team leader for this service.
All friends and supporters are invited to attend these two 27th pastoral anniversary services.