She did what? Most annoying habits ever
Is there something about the noise of slurping that just drives you insane? Everyone has habits that seem harmless, but some off-putting ones can make you want to pull your hair out. Find out what the most irritating habits are and get ready for a reality check — you’re probably guilty of some of these.
Is there something about the noise of slurping that just drives you insane? Everyone has habits that seem harmless, but some off-putting ones can make you want to pull your hair out. Find out what the most irritating habits are and get ready for a reality check — you’re probably guilty of some of these.
Put down that camera
There’s nothing more irritating than being forced to wait until your friend gets the perfect picture before you can dive into your food. Sometimes, you just want to unplug from technology and have a nice screen-free meal and meaningful conversation.
It can be offputting to be around someone who’s constantly taking photos and selfies in every situation. Sure, documenting memories is important, but do they really need hundreds of photos of a banana pudding?
English 2.0
Slang is cool and all, but it gets exhausting trying to keep up with a conversation filled with catchphrases and pop culture references. Imagine asking someone about their day, only to get a response like, “I kinda slayed today, but my coworker got salty when I vibe-checked him because he was flexing his work.” Decoding these responses is like learning a second version of English, making it difficult to communicate with avid slang users.
Repeating filler words such as literally and like can also get irritating. People do it subconsciously, but it makes the conversation feel repetitive. It’s hard not to get impatient and resist the urge to tell them to get to the point.
Nothing is good enough
Venting is a natural and healthy way to release frustrated emotions. However, when it becomes constant, complainers ruin the mood and can be draining to be around. Dinner hosts have their fair share of dealing with opinionated guests, especially if they invite close friends and family who feel entitled to critique. Imagine spending hours cooking a chicken pot pie casserole from a childhood recipe, only to have your siblings complain that it doesn’t taste like mom’s — what a buzzkill.
Sometimes, it’s OK to smile, nod and tell a white lie to express your appreciation for your host’s effort. Don’t be the individual that people dread being around. Of course, your opinions are important, but know how to read the room and tell when you’re being a Debbie Downer.
What happened to graceful eating?
The last thing you want during a meal is to look up and see Chick-fil-A chicken nugget crumbs flying left and right across the dinner table. Eating habits like messy eating, chewing with your mouth open or making loud slurping or chomping noises can be an appetite-ruiner. They can create an unpleasant dining experience, especially if you have misophonia — when certain eating sounds trigger your senses.
Reminding someone to be mindful of their manners can be difficult, especially if you’re not close to them or in a group setting. One way to do it is to discreetly pull them aside at the right moment and politely ask them to be more mindful of their table manners. While it’s an awkward conversation, some people may be genuinely unaware of how they’re acting until you point it out.
Personal bubble invaders
Have you ever stood in line only to feel the presence of a stranger standing too close behind you? Every time you move forward so they can stop breathing down your shoulder, they inch with you. Some people just don’t get the memo, which can make you want to pull your hair out of frustration.
For some, small displays of affection, like touching another’s shoulders while laughing or hugging, come naturally. To others, it’s an invasion of personal space that can be uncomfortable. Respecting personal boundaries should go without saying, whether it’s a stranger or someone you’re more familiar with.
While apologizing when the situation calls for it is having good manners, excessively doing so can get irritating, even with good intentions. It may just be apart of the culture — Canadians are often stereotyped as being overly friendly as they’re known to frequently say sorry.
Constant apologies can make the conversation feel awkward and formal since the apologizer becomes overly cautious in their interactions. This creates a barrier between the individuals, making it challenging to navigate the delicate social atmosphere. Being too nice has its drawbacks, often coming across as inauthentic, so it’s important to strike a balance between genuine and polite interactions.
Mindfulness goes a long way
Everyone has their own quirks and habits, but you don’t want to be that person that everyone avoids because you’re constantly whining or chewing like a cow. Making an effort to be aware of your off-putting habits and breaking them can do wonders for your likeability. On the other hand, if you see someone showing an irritating habit, it may be nice to gently prompt them of it. When done with kindness and discretion, you’re saving them from unknowingly driving people crazy for the rest of their lives.