• Charleroi Knights of Columbus Father William D. Fries Council 956 and Monongahela Knights of Columbus Council 2600 joint monthly meeting, Charleroi Knights of Columbus Council Hall, in St. Andrew the Apostle Parish School on the corner of Washington Avenue and Sixth Street in Charleroi, recitation of the rosary at 7:10 p.m., business meeting, 7:30 p.m.
• Charleroi Knights of Columbus Father William D. Fries Council 956 and Monongahela Knights of Columbus Council 2600 joint monthly meeting, Charleroi Knights of Columbus Council Hall, in St. Andrew the Apostle Parish School on the corner of Washington Avenue and Sixth Street in Charleroi, recitation of the rosary at 7:10 p.m., business meeting, 7:30 p.m.
• Charleroi Area Goldenagers annual picnic, North Charleroi Park, noon. Reservations required by calling Sam Marraccini at 724-489-9486.
• Oodles Club meets to play the Milton Bradley game, Monongahela Area Library, 813 W. Main St., 6 to 8 p.m., for ages 18 and older.
• Next in series of 2024 Plum Street free concerts, featuring Elmoz Fire, downtown Elizabeth, 6 p.m., held by Elizabeth Area Redevelopment Corp. For updates, follow Plum Street Concerts and EADC events page on Facebook.
• All bathing suits and shorts free, Care & Share thrift store, at the California United Methodist Church, 227 Third St., (corner of Third and Liberty streets, across from the Dairy Queen) 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more information, or call 724-938-2270.
• White Oak Senior Activities group meets for coffee hour, White Oak Community Center, 1798 Lower Heckman Road, 9:30 a.m.
• Trap shoot, Rostraver Sportsmen’s and Conservation Association, 539 Cedar Creek Road, Rostraver Township, 10 a.m.