Glassport cancels kids’ fishing contest due to river conditions
The fire department’s annual street fair is set for Friday and Saturday.
Glassport Council is preparing for the borough’s annual community day set for Aug. 24.
During Tuesday’s business meeting, council passed a motion to close the 400 block of Monongahela Avenue (in front of Glassport’s Honor Roll Park) for the event.
Council announced the children’s fishing contest has been postponed indefinitely due to rising water conditions.
“We don’t have a river bank right now,” Mayor Keith Di-Marco said. He added that unless conditions change dramatically, it is likely that there will be no fishing contest this year.
New home for police
Glassport is moving forward with its efforts to move the police department into the borough’s new municipal complex. Councilwoman Amy Nabors, chairperson of the building committee, recently met with the architect and the borough’s contractors to tour the building. She said that everything is in order and the work is ready to commence.
In a related matter, council passed a motion to submit a grant application to the Community Benefit Trust for funds to be used in renovating the Municipal Complex.
Nabors also proposed two motions, which were approved by council: to have 102 7th St. appraised and to advertise 509 7th St. for sale again. This property received no bids when previously advertised, so the borough will relist it with no minimum bid requirement.
In other business:
• Councilman Paul Trunzo announced the fire department will hold its annual street fair Friday and Saturday. Trunzo also said the Glassport Senior Center will host an ice cream social on July 25.
• Council President Anthony Colecchi said he was