To the Editor:
To the Editor:
The World War II War Memorial Tank at Monessen City Park is your tank — do you want visitors of our city to think we don’t care and respect what it means?
The Tank Restoration project is now more than two months old, and the donations are coming in at a very slow rate. As of today the fund is very close to the half-way mark, as we have had some donations from individuals, professionals, several clubs, organizations and several businesses from surrounding towns, and even from people from several other states who have somehow seen our call for help.
The disturbing news is there has not been the support from most of Monessen’s own businesses. In fact, there has not even been a token donation from the Chamber of Commerce or the city itself for the tank restoration, although the mayor and one council member did make a personal donation.
It appears local businesses don’t care what others think of Monessen. This tank is the property of the City of Monessen and all who live and work here. Monessen’s veterans are appalled at its condition, which is why we are trying to raise the money to have it restored, at least outwardly to its original military condition.
It would certainly be nice to see the restoration done by this Veterans Day.
Grants have been requested from several large companies in Western Pennsylvania and several foundations in the region, but as of yet none have proved fruitful. I also have had many promises of donations from individuals and some area businesses, but again all I have to show for that effort is words, not cash — and cash is what we need.
So, if you haven’t yet donated, please make your check out to American Legion Post 28 or VFW Post 1190 and mail it to American Legion Post 28, P O Box 145, Monessen, Pa. 15062 Ron Chromulak
Commander of American Legion Post 28 Monessen