Anything Goes Book Club to meet Tuesday
The McKeesport Al-Anon group will meet noon Tuesday at Beulah Park United Methodist Church on Grandview Avenue.
The McKeesport Al-Anon group will meet noon Tuesday at Beulah Park United Methodist Church on Grandview Avenue.
Al-Anon is a support and educational group for relatives and friends of problem drinkers. The group meets Tuesdays unless otherwise noted.
The Anything Goes Book Club will meet 6 p.m. Tuesday at the Monongahela Area Library, 813 W. Main St., Monongahela.
Participants can discuss and recommend whatever book they have read or are reading.
To register, call 724-258-5409.
Sambol’s Bakery to be at Penn Highlands Mon Valley
Sambol’s Bakery will be at the Penn Highlands Mon Valley lobby, 1163 Country Club Road, Carroll Township, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday. The event is sponsored by and benefits Penn Highlands Mon Valley Auxiliary.
Long Branch Sportsmen to meet Thursday
Members of the Long Branch Sportsmen’s Club will meet 7:30 p.m. Thursday at the club house, 44 Sphar St.
Care & Share to hold beat-the-heat sale
A beat-the-heat sale will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday at the Care & Share thrift store, located at the California United Methodist Church, 227 third St., corner of Third and Liberty streets, across from Dairy Queen in California. All sandals, flip flops and swim wear will be free. For details, visit Care and Share’s Facebook page
Shades of Time to be featured at next Elizabeth summer concert
The Elizabeth Area Redevelopment Corp. will hold the next in the series of free summer concerts at 6 p.m. Thursday on Plum Street in Elizabeth. Shades of Time will provide the music. For updates, follow the Plum Street Concerts & EADC events page on Facebook.
Monessen VFW members to meet Thursday
Allison Lescanac Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1190 will meet 7 p.m. Thursday at the Monessen Fire Department No. 1 meeting room on Donner Avenue.
All members are urged to attend. Anyone interested in joining the VFW is welcome to attend. The VFW meets at this location on the first Thursday of each month.
Greater Monessen Neighborhood group seeking volunteers
The Greater Monessen Neighborhood Organization is accepting volunteers. The purpose of the organization is to help the homeless and those in need.
Anyone interested can call Lil Hurst at 724-672-0074 or email monessenneighborhoodorg@ More information is available on the organization’s Facebook page.
Books being accepted at West Newton library
The West Newton Library, 124 N. Water St., is accepting newer paperbacks, hardcover and young adult donations to replenish its reading shelves for patrons. The library is non-funded and is run by volunteers.
Books can be dropped off during regular hours: noon to 5 p.m. Monday and Thursday; noon to 7 p.m. Wednesday and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. For more information, call 724-633 0798. Incorrect hours for Saturday were given in a previous Valley Grapevine column.