LETTER TO THE EDITOR Garbage-bill scofflaws need to reassess their priorities
To the Editor: I read with some displeasure that some Valley residents have not paid for refuse disposal in their respective towns for quite some time.
To the Editor: I read with some displeasure that some Valley residents have not paid for refuse disposal in their respective towns for quite some time.
Why is it that folks feel that they can do this? There are some things that fall into the catchall phrase, “for the common good,” — somewhat like senior citizens paying school taxes when they have no children in school.
Refuse disposal is really like any other utility we pay to maintain our homes; actually, it benefits us when we don’t have to look at accumulated garbage or be assailed by odors. Now, I understand that it is a burden on some folks, but I’d like to ask those in arrears if they have tattoos, cable TV, or cell phones, all of which must be paid for.
If that applies, I think it’s time for you to reassess your priorities.
Fred J. Fundy Belle Vernon