CD of A, Monessen Court 776
Catholic Daughters of the Americas Monessen Court 776 met Sept. 17 in the Epiphany of Our Lord church hall.
Catholic Daughters of the Americas Monessen Court 776 met Sept. 17 in the Epiphany of Our Lord church hall.
A courtroom installation was conducted by District Deputy Laraine McGinnis. Installed were the Rev. Michael Thomas, chaplain; officers, Regent Debbie Genemore, Vice Regent Pat Godla, Recording Secretary Cheryl McLaughlin, Financial Secretary Suzanne Surdyn and Treasurer Betty Geis.
Outgoing officers Kathy Imbrescia and Jackie Elias assisted in the installation ceremony. All were presented with roses to place at the Blessed Mother statue, the court’s patroness. McGinnis congratulated the newly installed chaplain, officers and court members.
The business meeting opened with the flag pledge and opening ode. Genemore welcomed members and guests. Godla presented the spiritual theme for the year: “God’s Blueprint – Road Map to Happiness.” The court will follow the roadway to Jesus by applying the eight beatitudes to daily life. Members were presented with a laminated beatitudes prayer card.
McLaughlin read June meeting minutes. Geis gave her report and Surdyn reported on dues collected.
The 2024-25 yearbooks were distributed and reviewed by Genemore.
Cheese ball order forms were distributed; orders are due by Oct. 15, and pickup will be Nov. 15.
Upcoming events will include the trunk or treat Oct. 26 at Monessen City Park; members are asked to donate candy to pass out as treats for this event.
Turkey bingo will be held Nov. 17 and the combined Christmas party for CDA and Epiphany will be held Dec. 1. RSVP by Nov. 12.
Regarding clearances, Virtus training will be held 2 p.m. Oct. 6. at Epiphany of Our Lord Church. Assistance will be available to complete the training. The Virtus programs empower organizations and people to take action as safe adults and improve the lives of everyone with whom they interact within the church and other organizations.
Thomas addressed the membership and looks forward to working with the court.
Members sang “Happy Birthday” to the September birthday ladies and presented each with a small gift.
The meeting was adjourned with the closing ode.
A social, hosted by officers, was held after the meeting with refreshments and light fare.
The next meeting will be held Oct. 15. Hosts will be Sandy Craig and Lianne DeFelices. Rosary will be recited at 6 p.m. An audit will be held after meeting.