Kuzma hosts veterans breakfast
More than 50 veterans showed up for the Jefferson Hills event.
More than 50 veterans showed up for the Jefferson Hills event.
Veterans were treated to breakfast Friday morning at a special event hosted by state Rep. Andrew Kuzma, R-Elizabeth Township.
More than 50 veterans attended the breakfast at the Jefferson Hills Borough Complex.
“It’s 100% worthwhile having an event like this, because without our veterans and without our mili- tary, we have nothing,” Kuzma said. “We don’t have any of the freedoms that we enjoy on a regular basis that we take for granted. So taking one morning on a Friday to celebrate these people and honor them is really a worthwhile thing to do.”
In addition to breakfast, entertainment was provided by Mikey Dee and guest speakers Todd DePastino, co-founder of the Veterans Breakfast Club, and retired U.S. Marine Corps Brig. Gen. R. David Papak.
“I’m always happy to be around veterans and their families and to accept Rep. Kuzma’s invite to the first one I think he’s done,” Papak said. “But to be in a room where people have served, and as I say, kind of written a blank check with their life to serve in our military.
“It’s just always an honor to be able to come and try and thank them and to leave them with a message or two — that’s always a good thing — but I’m always honored to be able to be around other veterans and especially their families” Papak also helps organize Warriors Rock, a patriotic traveling concert series honoring veterans that stops in Monongahela every summer.
Vietnam veteran Rick Elster said he was happy to be recognized and to be among other veterans and to get out and socialize. Being at such events gives Elster a sense of unity among his fellow veterans
despite any differences.
“The way our country is right now. There is no politics in here. I don’t care who you want,” Elster said. “When we’re here, we’re all together. We are all veterans, we’re not politicians. I just appreciate everyone’s service. We all served a different time, but any man and woman that ever wore the uniform, they should be proud of it, they should be proud for themselves and then everyone else should be proud of that.”
Kuzma said it’s important to create such events for the community.
“I represent all of these people at any time that they interact with the state. I want them to know who we are, and I want them to know that we’re available,” he said. “So it’s really important for me to have not only a veterans’ event, but any type of event, and to be present in the community.
“It’s important to honor these veterans, because without them, we have nothing. We don’t have constitutional rights unless somebody’s protecting them, right? But they’re not just keeping us safe and keeping us able to enjoy freedom, but they’re liberating other people.”
Some of the other vendors present at the event were Animal Friends for Veterans, Veterans Breakfast Club, American Legion and VFW members and the Blessing Board.