Trump’s ‘letter to Santa’
To the Editor:
To the Editor:
The reaction by Michael Moore and the naysay crowd is so misdirected.
If people want to be mad about our health care system they need look no farther than our very own federal government that brought us what we have today.
Former President Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer promised the American people the moon. You can keep your health care, you can keep your doctor, better coverage and lower premiums. Not one Republican voted in favor of Obamacare.
Pelosi jammed the bill through and proudly announced “we need to pass this bill before we see what’s in it” Well we know now!
After almost 30 years as a health care broker, I have seen what was and what it is now. Legislators mandating coverage for unlimited drug rehab, gender reassignment and mandating coverage for employees of companies of 25 or more employees all sounded good until the cost was realized.
Mandating coverage makes employers pick cheaper plans. The employee is not able to go out and find coverage on their own if the employer offers coverage. Part of the act forbids employers from paying for employee’s individual coverage.
What we have now for individuals is a mixed-up system that picks winners and losers. If you are above a certain income level you will pay huge premiums or be forced to take the cheapest Pennie plan so you can afford the premiums.
If you are below a certain income level then you will get government tax credits to offset some and in some cases a lot of the premium.
If your income is below a certain level you will be forced into Medicaid. Then there are the different networks and plan types which limit access to certain doctors and hospitals. The more access you have the more you will pay for your coverage.
For employer groups over 25 employees mandatory ACA coverage is very expensive for the employer and can be for the employee.
Prior to Obamacare, plans were simpler and cheaper.
There were plans that had carve outs like maternity benefits, a major claim factor for employer group plans. Women over 50 don’t need maternity benefits and men certainly don’t need maternity benefits.
Insurers and the insured had much more control on what they wanted to insure. So if you want to be mad, be mad at the people who made the health care laws we all have to live with — our legislators!
Jim Blair
Rostraver Township
To the Editor:
According to a news release from the North Pole, Santa Claus has received Donald Trump’s annual Christmas letter. He only had one request — he is in desperate need of a new magic wand. The one he has been using is just about out of magical powers. It had been utilized to the uttermost to influence people and events.
Those gullible voters in November believed him when he “convinced” them that their priorities were definitely “his priorities.”
The “economy” was at the crux of choosing Trump as our next president — one who would lower prices and put more money into our pockets. So, he came up with the idea of raising tariffs on incoming products.
The voters accepted that “hook, line, and sinker.”
Donald Trump sees his title gradually convert from president to dictator. He has endless plans in the works for the next four years. His enemies will regret the day they did him wrong and all his faithful but misguided followers will be rewarded for their dedication. Pardons will be fast and furious. His choices for cabinet positions will continue to raise eyebrows. He loves to keep the pot stirred. After all, Donald Trump thrives on attention — good or bad. Watch out America.
He is back.
Will Santa Claus grant Trump’s wish for a new magic wand? Perhaps, Donald will find an opening for Mr. Claus in the governmental arena. Possibly, he could be put in charge of issuing new magic wands for government officials.
Grace Beck
Rostraver Township