Beat the winter blues: Decorating tips to add some cheer to your home
Family Features
Family Features
With colder temperatures and dreary skies, it can be easy to feel a touch of the winter blues. However, there are some ways you can freshen up the inside of your home, no matter what the weather is doing outside.
Feel better with fragrance
The part of the human brain that registers smells is closely linked to the part of the brain related to emotions. Adding some pleasant fragrances to your home can help boost your mood. Try room diffusers, candles and potpourri in different rooms. For a more personal pick-me-up, try scented bath bombs or body lotions. Some popular aromas include citrus varieties like orange, grapefruit, tangerine and lime, and herbs and spices such as rosemary, eucalyptus, spruce, peppermint and cinnamon.
Cheer up with color
Seeing red, green with envy, feeling blue colors are often associated with moods and emotions. While you may not be able to repaint an entire room, you can add touches of color to brighten up your spaces. Accent pieces like frames, vases, bowls or knickknacks can be inexpensive ways to bring a cheery touch to a room. Textiles are another way to bring a pop of color. Think about pillows, throws, table linens and small accent rugs.
Lighten up with light
Many people with Seasonal Affective Disorder are treated with light therapy, which includes using light boxes that emit light similar to daylight. Changing your light bulbs can help lift your mood, too. Look for bulbs with a color temperature of 5,000 Kelvins or higher. They produce light that most people will perceive as similar to daylight. Bulbs coated with neodymium filter out the yellow cast emitted by many bulbs. They also make blues and reds look richer.