Port Vue opens new year with presentation by local author
Author Tori Kannyn gave a copy of her book to Dr. Rudy Antoncic.
Author Tori Kannyn gave a copy of her book to Dr. Rudy Antoncic.
Port Vue Council began the new year with a special presentation to honor one of the area’s beloved hometown doctors.
During Wednesday’s council meeting, Mayor Brien Hranics introduced local author Tori Kannyn, who had contacted him in an effort to locate Dr. Rudy Antoncic. Kannyn wanted to present the doctor with a copy of her book, “From the Dark Tunnel, a Story of Survival.” In the book, she praises the doctor for his compassion and professionalism.
Hranics was moved by her story and arranged for her to meet Antoncic at the council meeting.
“I thought we should kick off the year with a feel-good story,” Hranics said.
Kannyn introduced herself and told the audience that as a young woman she experienced severe health problems stemming from the side effects of a Norplant birth control implant. She developed liver problems and was certain that she was going to die and even prepared her will. Kannyn could not find any physician who could diagnose the source of her problems until she met Dr. Antoncic, who is affiliated with UPMC McKeesport.
Speaking with great emotion, Kannyn explained that he was the first physician to listen to her and to offer her hope that she could recover.
“He helped me to recover both psychologically and physically,” she said. “Dr. Antoncic literally saved my life.”
Kannyn presented him a copy of her book and they embraced.
Borough matters
During public comment, resident Eric Shaw asked council what could be done with the large number of feral cats in the borough. He also expressed concern about the residents parking on narrow streets blocking access to snow plows and emergency vehicles.
Councilman Kenneth Hresko said that until recently, they had a relationship with a veterinarian who spayed and neutered cats at a discounted rate, but the veterinarian moved away. Hresko acknowledged the problem and said that council would look into restarting a spay and neuter program for the borough.
Councilman Robert Betters agreed with Shaw that onstreet parking is a problem. As head of the public works department, Betters said he has instructed his plow/salt crews that if they cannot safely pass through a street, they are to back out and report it. He asked for residents’ cooperation in keeping the streets clear, adding that if his trucks can’t access a street, neither can fire trucks and ambulances.
He said vehicles blocking the street will be ticketed and/or towed by Port Vue police. Betters also said that the borough’s new Ford dump truck has been delivered and was put to work clearing Port Vue’s streets during this week’s storm.
Council approved several motions resolving a longterm issue with a property at 214 Dersam St. After numerous attempts to get the home owner to remove trash, council was forced to take action. Council approved the findings of a hearing about the condition of the property and declared it unsafe and unfit for human habitation. Council revoked the property’s occupancy permit and directed the borough solicitor to take legal action to evict its residents.
Councilman Greg Lombardo said Duquesne Light notified him that it has completed replacement of all street lights in the borough with LED lights. In addition to being brighter and more energy-efficient, the new lights are equipped with technology to automatically notify the electric company if a light goes out. Lombardo said he is working with Duquesne Light to replace the street lights on the bridge between Port Vue and McKeesport. Several of the current lights are out.
Lombardo also reminded residents that representatives of Pennsylvania American Water Co. will be available at the Port Vue Borough Social Hall from 1 to 6:30 p.m. Jan. 21. They will be there to answer questions and assist patrons with the company’s Bill Paying Assistance Programs. The programs are designed to help citizens who are having difficulty paying for their water/ sewer bills.
Councilman Brandon Hale, who also serves as the Vigilant Hose Co.’s fire chief, invited the public to the “Funny Fundraiser” on Feb. 1. The night will feature three professional comedians in a night of family-friendly comedy. Tickets are available from the fire company.
Hale also reminded Port Vue residents that the fire company is offering home fire extinguishers to the public for $30, which is far below the normal retail price.