The surprising truth about Gen Z’s shift from malls to thrift shops
In recent years, shopping malls once the central hangout for teens - have seen a decline in foot traffic. Thrift stores, however, have seen a shift in their clientele to a younger demographic. Gen Z is buying secondhand more often for surprising reasons that might inspire you to do the same.
In recent years, shopping malls once the central hangout for teens – have seen a decline in foot traffic. Thrift stores, however, have seen a shift in their clientele to a younger demographic. Gen Z is buying secondhand more often for surprising reasons that might inspire you to do the same.
Meeting friends at the mall has been a teenage staple for decades, but Gen Z is turning away from this trend. Instead of cruising the local mall, today’s teenagers and young adults are searching for the perfect finds in thrift stores.
Saving money, a key advantage of thrifting across generations, is certainly a motivator for this shift. Gen Zers are also turning to thrift stores for sustainability, creative ideas, social connection and a sense of nostalgia, a trend that is occurring across consumer culture for the generation.
Gen Z and the return of the thrift store
Those born roughly between 1997 and 2012, now aged between 13 and 27, belong to Gen Z. They’re the first generation to grow up entirely in the age of computers and many don’t remember a time before social media. Technology has provided them with better access and connectivity than ever before, but also unforeseen challenges. Older Gen Zers experienced a financial downturn as children, and now the generation is entering the adult world in a time of rising costs.
Despite the ease of online shopping, Gen Z shops in physical stores at the same rate as baby boomers and more than millennials, according to CNBC.
Stores let them try items on without waiting for shipping and returns. They may also be able to spend time with friends and make a day out of a shopping trip.
The desire for physical shopping has overlapped with Gen Z’s perspectives on consumerism. Over the past few years, thrift stores and secondhand shopping have increased while many malls see declining sales. The Blackprint notes that 83% of Gen Z is willing to shop thrifted goods and revenue in the global secondhand market has increased by more than a third.
Behind the numbers, social media, sustainable living and the thrill of the hunt on a budget continue to draw Gen Z into the thrifting lifestyle. While the Gen Z experience might be unique, the reasons behind thrifting and their overall approach to consumption are meaningful for any generation.
Embracing social media trends in shopping
As part of the social media generation, Gen Z has grown up with influencer culture and social media trends. Viral Tiktok dances like the “Apple” dance, Instagrammable drinks like butterfly pea tea and aesthetic trends like cottagecore can sweep through friend groups quickly thanks to technology.
Clothing trends often come and go on social media as well. Designer brands remain popular and vintage styles are on the rise. Gen Z, often followed by fashionable millennials and Gen X, are bringing back styles from the 80s and 90s and transforming them for modern tastes. While clothing brands have replicated these styles, there is an additional level of cool in owning an authentic vintage item.
As a result, it is not only clothing but secondhand shopping in general that has become a social media trend. Gen Z shoppers show off the incredible finds they pick up at vintage stores, thrift stores and yard sales. They document their experiences upcycling clothes and goods past their prime. Like many trendsetting social media posts, these Gen Z users inspire others to go on their own treasure hunts at local stores.
Gen Z’s push for sustainability and ethical consumption
As well as growing up amid technology, Gen Z has also been part of conversations about climate change and sustainability efforts. Especially in recent years, there has been a growing dialogue around the impacts of fast fashion. Often a standard product at malls, this is the practice of producing trendy clothes quickly and cheaply, relying on low-cost labor and supplies. The cheap clothes fall apart or go out of style within a few months or years, sending many to landfills.
According to Vogue, fast fashion is a growing market responsible for 10% of carbon emissions and 11.3 million tons of landfill waste each year. But it has also sparked conversation. Vogue also notes that Gen Z is leading the push for more eco-friendly and ethical fashion choices.
Thrifting is a great way to avoid the overproduction of fast fashion without the high costs of brandnew, sustainable goods. Many Gen Z thrifters search for high-quality, vintage goods originally made to last for decades. Others give a second life to donated clothes that might otherwise end up in landfills.
Even outside of clothing, many Gen Z shoppers are looking for quality and sustainability at an affordable price. Whether they are buying locally or seeking out farmer’s market bargains, balancing eco-friendly consumption with affordability is a goal for Gen Z.
Creativity and wholesomeness on a budget for Gen Z
Many Gen Zers are also creatively adapting older trends outside of clothing. This might be out of nostalgia for simpler times or just enjoying small pleasures. In addition to vintage clothes, Gen Z consumers are also buying more vintage and high-end housewares as they come of age to move into their first homes or apartments. A preference for secondary lighting over overhead lights in their homes and the reemergence of the simmer pot make a Gen Z-decorated space cozy with vintage charm.
Dutch oven sales have gained new popularity as Gen Z explores healthy and hearty recipes like homemade bread, stews and detox soup. Vintage and homemade items are the decor of choice in the Gen Z aesthetic. Much like a brand name or sustainable clothes, shopping secondhand for these items can provide savings for those on a budget. Thrift stores and secondhand markets tend to also offer more variety and unique items than the mass-produced options at the mall.
Embracing the low-impact Gen Z lifestyle
Whether you’re a millennial, Gen X or boomer looking for ways to live healthier and more sustainably, there are lessons to learn from Gen Z trends. Embracing sustainability and reusability, whether in your shopping or your kitchen, can save money and reduce waste. You may find it also brings more excitement and creativity to your year.