Valley Garden Club
Valley Garden Club held its first meeting of the year Jan. 9 at Lynnwood Lutheran Church in Washington Township. Fifteen members were in attendance.
Valley Garden Club held its first meeting of the year Jan. 9 at Lynnwood Lutheran Church in Washington Township. Fifteen members were in attendance.
President Roxanne Huss presided, leading the members in the flag pledge.
Celebrating January birthdays were Dolores Coulson, Jan. 2, Grace Martin, Jan. 9 and Susan Gruber, Jan. 13.
Secretary/Treasurer Pam Gregor read the October 2024 minutes. With one correction on the treasurer’s report, they were approved. Gregor also gave the current treasurer’s report.
In memory of club member Fran Amatangelo, who passed away in early January, Margaret Ziolkowski made a motion to make a $50 donation to the Make A Wish Foundation in her memory. Mardell Page seconded the motion, which was approved.
Lexie Jones won a plant donated by Dodie Beerbower.
No flowers were presented at the meeting. In lieu of a program, a show and tell was held by the members.
Since there were no hostesses for the meeting, a covered dish was provided by the members.
Huss presented the criteria for the 2025 Trash to Treasure contest, which will be judged at the GCFP 2025 Convention to be held from April 6-8 in King of Prussia, Pa. The design will be a patriotic birdhouse. Entries are due at the February meeting, and the winning entry from all District 10 clubs will be presented at the District X Spring Tea on March 12.
Beerbower announced one scholarship will be given for 2025. If two qualified applicants are received, then a second $1,500 will be approved.
Page, horticulture chairman, gave a presentation on Nasturtium, a flower with five broad petals that are usually yellow, orange or red.
Discussions were held on the yearbook, 2025 budget, Nov. 2 luncheon and the 2024 flower show.
After all business was concluded, the meeting was adjourned.
For more information on VGC, contact Huss at 724-929-3391.