South Allegheny recognizes students for accomplishments
The board also hired several teachers.
The board also hired several teachers.
The South Allegheny school board recognized several students for their academic excellence and good citizenship. During Wednesday’s board meeting, the students in attendance were presented with plaques by Superintendent David McDonald and congratulated by board members Sheri Campbell and Frank Cortazzo.
The following students were recognized as middle school students of the month for their respective grades:
• Grade 8 — Savannah Hale and Nicholas Rogers.
• Grade 7 —Jaycee Hondai and Noah Sporer.
• Grade 6 — Elizabeth Brown and Ian Pavlic.
Carpentry student Amara Pandocchi was recognized as “top of the shop” for the first semester at the Steel Center Career and Technical Center.
The following students received Extra Effort Awards in their disciplines at the Steel Valley Career and Technical Center:
• Culinary arts — Richard Geary.
• Cyber Security and Networking Technology — Jonathan Didion.
• Veterinary Assistant — Adriana Pistilli.
• Welding — Aubrey Ponchak.
The board approved the following: • A varsity baseball trip to Myrtle Beach, S.C., from March 17-22 was approved. The following people were approved as chaperons for the trip, Staci Pohodich, Todd Fullmer, Kerry Keener and Keri Pomocki.
• The board approved the creation of the position of confidential assistant to the director of finance and operations.
• The following teachers were hired: Richard Abbot, cyber social studies; Jesse MacPherson, cyber math and English; Becky Vasko, cyber physics; Becky Vasko, cyber physical education and health; Jennifer Stockett, cyber business teacher; Jake Joyce, math and elementary class.
• The board voted to open the position of head varsity girls basketball coach and hired Kayla Bottino as the district’s assistant track and field coach.