Valley Garden Club
The monthly meeting of Valley Garden Club was held Feb. 13 at Lynnwood Lutheran Church with 15 members in attendance. President Roxanne Huss presided and led the flag pledge. Treasurer/Secretary Pam Gregor read the January minutes. With no additions or corrections, the minutes were approved as written. She also gave the treasurer’s report.
The monthly meeting of Valley Garden Club was held Feb. 13 at Lynnwood Lutheran Church with 15 members in attendance. President Roxanne Huss presided and led the flag pledge. Treasurer/Secretary Pam Gregor read the January minutes. With no additions or corrections, the minutes were approved as written. She also gave the treasurer’s report.
Hostesses were Joann Celaschi and Elaine Harmon. There were no flower designs.
The drawing was slippers and socks, donated by Margaret Ziolkowski and won by Peggy Brown. The program was “Heart Healthy Month,” presented by Terry Frederick and Laurie Lazzari.
The 25th District X annual tea will be held March 12 at the Mon Valley YMCA in Carroll Township. The program will be “Bees” by Dr. Michelle Duennes.
The GCFP Convention will be held in King of Prussia, Pa. Registration was due by March 1.
Environmental/Conservation Chairman Mardell Page gave a presentation on the stink bug.
Scholarship Chairman Dodie Beerbower sent information to seven schools and newspapers in the Mon Valley and on Facebook about the club’s $1,500 scholarship.
Peggy Brown, YMCA garden committee, reported that most of the plants in the Children’s Garden were lost due to severe drought. Plants will be replaced this spring, Elaine Harmon will be exploring statuary. With all business concluded, the meeting was adjourned.
For more information about VGC, please contact Huss at 724-929-3391.