Club notes: Epiphany Ladies
After welcoming members and guests, President Sara Stein opened the Feb. 9 meeting of the Epiphany Ladies at Epiphany of Our Lord Church in Monessen by leading the flag pledge and the Prayer to St. Michael. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved, as was Treasurer Alice Pastella’s financial report.
After welcoming members and guests, President Sara Stein opened the Feb. 9 meeting of the Epiphany Ladies at Epiphany of Our Lord Church in Monessen by leading the flag pledge and the Prayer to St. Michael. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved, as was Treasurer Alice Pastella’s financial report.
Diocesan Council of Catholic Women President Kathy Byron shared the schedule for the Lenten Day of Prayer that was held Saturday at St Vincent Basilica, Latrobe. A calendar of planned diocesan events for the 2025 Jubilee Year was also distributed.
Ways and Means Chairman Betty Geis discussed plans for the Lenten fish fries that began on Ash Wednesday and will continue Fridays through Good Friday. Geis also reported on the yarn purchase for the prayer shawl initiative.
Regent Debbie Genemore announced that the Catholic Daughters of the Americas led a Pro-Life Rosary Feb. 16 before Mass and sponsored a parish “Brown Bag Sunday” for diaper donations. There was also a baby shower at the February meeting. All donations will be given to the SPHS Family Center in Monessen.
Genemore also shared that the family center extended an invitation to Epiphany parish groups to participate in an upcoming Cultural Diversity event at Monessen High School. Stein outlined multiple volunteering opportunities and sign-up sheets were circulated.
With the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and the Catholic World Day of Prayer for the Sick both celebrated Feb. 11, the Corporal Work of Mercy chosen was “Comfort the Sick.” Guest speaker was parish administrator, the Rev. Vincent Concepcion, who discussed historical Catholic perspectives and attitudes towards illness and suffering. He also shared suggestions for celebrating the worldwide 2025 Jubilee Year.
Laminated Our Lady of Lourdes holy cards were distributed.
Members sent Valentine wishes and signed cards to be sent to home-bound parishioners.
A free-will offering was conducted for the Brother’s Brother Foundation to aid those affected by the California wildfires.
Members thanked Kathy Byron, Sharie Amprim and the February committee for providing the luncheon and door prizes.
Members with February birthdays were recognized and half-the-take was awarded. A thank you was extended to Sophia Janol and Ruth Todd for providing the rose bouquets for Mary’s Shrine.
Vice President Jamie Todd led the traditional Three Hail Mary closing prayer.
The Epiphany Ladies met for the March meeting on Sunday in the church hall.