BVA receives donation to buy equipment
Themoneywill beused forPrometheaninteractive panels forkindergarten classes atMarionand RostraverElementary.
The money will be used for Promethean interactive panels for kindergarten classes at Marion and Rostraver Elementary.
The Community Foundation of Westmoreland County and Quatrini Law Group recently donated $10,000 to the Belle Vernon Area School District to buy newclassroomequipment.
Superintendent Dr. Timothy Glasspool said both organizations donated in memory of Joe Grata, a former BVA board memberwho passedaway.
Glasspool said the district will use the funds to purchase two new Promethean interactive panelsforMarionandRostraver Elementary kindergarten classrooms. Glasspool sent letters to both organizations expressing his gratitude.
“Your commitment to enhancing educational opportunities for our youngest learners will have an immediate and lasting impact,” Glasspool wrote. “These interactive panels will transform the learning experience for our kindergarten students by providing engaging, interactive lessons that address various learning styles and help build a strong educational foundation at this crucial developmental stage.”
During a work session Tuesday, Glasspool told the BVA school board that he hopes to develop a closer relationship with the Community Foundation of WestmorelandCounty.
“We are part of theWestmoreland County Community Foundation, we actually have money in Belle Vernon that people have donated that is up there, that they invest and we receive some of the subsidies,” Glasspool said.
Glasspool said the $10,000 donation was unrelated to the subsidies and was something Quatrini Law Group wanted to do inGrata’s memory.
The Promethean interactive panels are more modern white boardsthatallowformoreinteractive teaching.
“In today’s technology-driven world, early exposure to digital learning tools is essential,” Glasspool said to both organizations. “Thanks to your generosity, our kindergarten teachers now have access to state-of-theart technology that will allow them to create dynamic, participatory lessons that capture students’ imaginations and foster a love of learning from the very beginning of their educational journey.”
Glasspool invited representatives from Quatrini and the Westmoreland Community Foundation to tour the district facilities in the future.