Tori Demo remembered on anniversary of death
A Mass and balloon release were held in memory of the 25-year-old Allenport resident.
A Mass and balloon release were held in memory of the 25-year-old Allenport resident.
Family and friends of Tori Demo held a Mass Sunday morning and released balloons in her memory one year after her tragic death.
The Mass was held at St. Andrew the Apostle Church in Charleroi, and the balloon release took place at Crawford Lane bridge above Interstate 70, overlooking the accident scene where she was killed.
I-70 drivers honked as family members walked onto the bridge to send off their balloons, some of which were shaped as hearts and butterflies.
Some brought their own brightly colored balloons to represent her “bright, loving soul,” said Demo’s sister, Kayla Demo, who thanked everyone for coming. Through tears, Kayla wrote on her balloon that she missed her sister before letting it go into the sky.
“I’m just happy that everybody is trying to help remember her and keep her alive,” Kayla said. “I hope that my sister gets the justice that she deserves.”
Jacob M. Posey, 23, of Fayette City was arraigned in July 2024 on homicide by vehicle and other charges. He is accused of driving his pickup truck 118 mph when he crashed into Tori’s vehicle March 16, 2024.
Tori, 25, of Allenport died from significant blunt force trauma.
One witness told police that the truck was quickly approaching Demo’s Camry from behind. The vehicles collided when Demo moved her car to the right lane and Posey tried to pass in the right lane, according to the DEMO •A2
“I’m just happy that everybody is trying to help remember her and keep her alive.”
KAYLA DEMO criminal complaint.
Police said Posey didn’t check on Demo at the site of the crash. Posey told police wasn’t sure how fast he was going, estimating 70 mph. He also said the Toyota cut him off and pushed him into the guardrail. Posey was not injured in the crash.
Posey waived a preliminary hearing and was released on a $50,000 unsecured bond July 5. A formal arraignment was set for September before Westmoreland County Judge Christopher Feliciani.
Posey’s lawyer asked for a 60-day delay in the case back in January of this year. The family wants the case to go to trial, but there were no updates as of Sunday.
Tori’s mother, Jamie Giffin, said the Mass and the balloon sendoff were nice to see. She is glad Tori’s four sisters, as well as cousins and other family, came to support them.
“It’s a lot. It’s just sad, we would like to have justice,” Giffin said. “We would like to know what’s going on. It’s nice to know you still have some support, even if it’s just family.”
In April, a Justice for Tori Leeann Demo rally will take place in Greensburg, where a victims march will be held.