Joyful Bloomers
Spring is right around the corner, and the Joyful Bloomers Garden Club is looking forward to 2025 with interesting and funfilled monthly programs. The first meeting of the year was held on March 5 and was well attended, including three new members.
Spring is right around the corner, and the Joyful Bloomers Garden Club is looking forward to 2025 with interesting and funfilled monthly programs. The first meeting of the year was held on March 5 and was well attended, including three new members.
President Sharon Bryner called the meeting to order. She welcomed the members back after a short winter hiatus. Recording Secretary Mary Lee Duvall took roll call and read the minutes of the last meeting. Treasurer Diana Soltis gave the financial report. Corresponding Secretary Marlene Butler shared thank-you notes from McKeesport Meals on Wheels, the Linus Club and Kane Community Living Center, acknowledging donations from the club.
Sally Buchleitner gave a report on the catbird. Its wailing calls resemble a cat’s meowing. To encourage the bird, plant shrubs near deciduous trees.
Horticulture Chair Andrea Rice and Lucy Koutsavlis reported on the history and uses of lavender. The members were treated to a cup of lavender tea.
Monthly planners, donated by the McKeesport and Versailles Cemetery, were handed out by Darlene Allen. Madalyn King revised and updated the Joyful Bloomers yearbook, “Mum’s The Word.”
Invited guest District VII Director Marilyn Backus gave an informative talk explaining specialty horticulture shows. A district-wide show is scheduled for July 26 at the New Covenant Presbyterian Church Hall in Monroeville.
After lunch, the members assembled flower vases for residents’ dining room tables at the Kane Community Living Center in McKeesport.
The next meeting will be held April 2. Each member is asked to bring a house plant to share tips on growth and care.
If you are interested in making new friends and joining a garden club, the Joyful Bloomers meet at 10 a.m. the first Wednesday of the month, unless stated otherwise, at Kane Community Living Center, 100 Ninth St., McKeesport. Contact Sharon Bryner at 724-600-9042 or ksbryner@comcast. net.